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This website and other information provided by Avenere Cladding LLC and any of its affiliates, is the subject of this Disclaimer. All information is provided for use by design and construction professionals qualified to interpret the information and determine its fitness and suitability for a particular application.
As full service product distributors, our goal is to provide information beyond product specifications and technical data. Our intention is to assist designers, builders and developers to take advantage of the features and efficiencies available with our products, and to share the experience and wisdom that we have accumulated. This information provided goes beyond what is needed to select and design with our products, and includes details to develop the full range of advantages and benefits of each product. Our hope is to inspire your imagination and solve problems as we share solutions and innovations that we have seen others use successfully.
At the same time, we operate in a highly sophisticated industry where each project is unique and requires substantial capital investment, a host of professional consultants, and specialty contractors. We offer this website and related information as a product distributor, not as a design professional, builder or subcontractor. The information provided is for your convenience, subject to change without notice, and is not to scale and not intended for construction. In order to provide the best possible products, Avenere Cladding LLC, reserves the right to modify components without prior notice. The information presented is for the review and approval of the architect and engineer of record, and is not a substitute for professional evaluation and determination required for any particular project or application.
The information provided may not meet Federal, State or local building codes, ordinances, or regulations in any jurisdiction and is not intended to take the place of the requirements of applicable building codes. All work must be in accordance with the construction documents and “Field Use” Drawings for the specific project. Accordingly, while these guidelines are intended as recommended general techniques to be followed, these techniques can be used only to the extent that they do not conflict with building code requirements, construction documents and site conditions. Law, building codes, and safety codes vary widely concerning the design and use of NeaCera Panels. Avenere Cladding LLC does not control the selection and use of its products and therefore assumes no responsibility for misapplication.
IMPORTANT SHOP DRAWING NOTE: As a product distributor, we are not responsible for the selection or coordination of dimensions, flashing, weather barriers, and the interface between different materials and scopes of work. However, as a courtesy, we will assist the Purchaser and/or General Contractor with their coordination of our details and materials.
In addition, we recommend that a copy of our shop drawings be provided to the window and weather barrier contractors and other trades for review and coordination during the approval process. If requested, additional prints, sepias or CAD files can be provided at a nominal cost for distribution to the other trades. We will review other cladding and/or window drawings that are provided, as a guide in assisting the Purchaser and/or General Contractor with their coordination.
Although window details, fasteners, anchors, weather barriers, flashing and other materials may be illustrated, our shop drawings are not meant to indicate the specific requirements for these materials. All shop drawings require review, coordination, and approval by the Purchaser and the design team.
Each product is covered by a limited Standard Product Warranty available upon request. Avenere Cladding LLC and any of its independent affiliates shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained in this website, or incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this website or its products. The information in this website is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. The warranties for all products are set forth exclusively in the limited warranty statements provided to customers for each product offered. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Nothing herein shall amend, alter or change the Product Warranty for NeaCera Terra-cotta Panels offered by Avenere Cladding LLC or its Independent Affiliates for your specific project.
This website contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. You may download, display, print, and copy any material at this website, in unaltered form only, for your individual use or for non-commercial use only. Except as permitted above, you must not copy, reproduce, adapt, publish, distribute, or commercialize any material contained on this site without the written permission of Avenere Cladding LLC.
We hope you find our website helpful and welcome any comments on how we can improve our products, services or this website.